Friday, September 10, 2010

Feeling Sleepy

Taken by CMC at Moosehead Lake, Maine
Well after our vacation and with the start of the school year and teaching I haven't really been improvising much since that huge hurrah a few weeks ago.  I was really dreading the start of the school year since I'd been spending so much time with the wee one, not really wanting to get out of our comfortable rhythm of our days - but now that a week with most of my students has gone by, I think it will be good for me to be thinking outside of myself again - but boy am I feeling pressured for time to practice-- I know I know it's the first week of teaching and everything will develop into a new rhythm... as it is the little guy seems to be slowly moving away from morning naps - so no more morning yoga for mommy, but every day is a new challenge and adventure to see what will be coming.

My January concert has been posted on the web, so I guess it's really official now (although the contract's been signed for a while).  I'm really hoping to play a movement of Keith Jarrett's Koeln Concert, and to that end I'm working on memorizing it.  It's so slow going so it's really hard to imagine how I will make it through it but I know I always seem to find a way to make it work.

Tonight I wanted to get back in the habit of improvising, so I did record myself.  I'll share it because it has sweet moments but the editor in me doesn't like it much - too improvisatory?  I'm pretty sleepy though so maybe I'll like it better another day.  But... you can decide for yourself:

p.s. update the next morning... I'm really liking this one now.  Funny what a night's sleep can do!

Monday, August 23, 2010

back from cape cod

Catherine Marie & son at Cape Cod
We had a lovely family vacation to Cape Cod last week, despite the fact that I was inbetween books and had no idea what to do with myself during the little one's naps - with no piano and no yoga props and not immersed in a book.  I was even out of magazines- did a crossword puzzle and browsed our hosts' bookshelves.  Learned a thing or two about homeopathy and natural cures for babies, also got to think a lot.  We're back home and today was a great day.  Got the yoga studio (i.e. my old office before I moved the computer to the piano studio) set up and even squeezed in a short yoga session.  Went to a new library and had fun picking out kids' books and several for me- even made my way through most of a book about organizing and throwing stuff out- physical and mental clutter.  Was a good affirmation for the work I've been doing to live in each moment and actually DO the stuff I want to be doing.  Tonight I had a great piano session - worked haltingly through a Hanon exercise in all 12 keys - lots of stumbles, but boy did it feel great to have warmed-up fingers- amazing what that one exercise can do.  Then improvised for a long time.  Lots of neat rhythms and patterns coming out from the Hanon and lots of sinking into old songs of mine (but ones I hadn't played in a long time, so old friends).  Recorded a bunch but nothing really in one smaller chunk that I feel like posting.  But, tomorrow is a new day! 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

raining and giraffes

So I'm not actually expecting anyone to be listening to these as I'm now getting the feeling I will be posting a lot of them.  But, if you are inclined to do so, by all means, you are welcome here.  It's starting to rain this morning and we're moving a little slowly.  Baby was playing with the giraffe in the playpen next to the piano while I played.  This one has some really beautiful moments that I might actually go back and try to recreate to form a more polished piece that I could practice and take to concerts or a recording.  I really love some of the chord changes in here!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

putting it out there

So the improv I recorded on Sunday gave me great momentum and I decided to completely rearrange my piano studio and move my computer down from the office into the studio and actually hook up my keyboard and have a home for the playpen for the little guy... so now I can upload recordings right away and play piano while I'm waiting for stuff to load and have all the creative juices flowing in one place.  I was so motivated and a dangerous woman on a mission that I even managed to move the Steinway off of the casters by myself, whoaa.  Picture here was taken with my computer's webcam this afternoon... yay!  That means I might even be inspired to do some webcasting or recording some video.  In the meantime I recorded another improv tonight.  The editor in me wanted to "try again" and record another.  Well, not only do I not have the time because baby will need me soon, I figure that's not in the spirit of me letting go of the editor.  I almost didn't upload this file because it's not in "finished" state and wouldn't really be on a recording somewhere... but there are some really nice moments in it.  And I'm putting it out there.  baby calling gotta go.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Something about Babies and Mountains of Chores

I've really been yearning to play lately - have had writer's block for 6 years or something... gave a sermon at our UU church last week about piano passions and inspirations and have been on the nursing couch imagining how I will set up my piano studio for recording and update website, blah blah blah... but needed a kick in the butt... so I figured tonight as soon as baby was asleep I needed to get down at that piano darnit and record myself.  I think the key to getting myself to where I want to be is to turn OFF the editor and not care one bit what people think of my music and if anyone would buy it or book me or even like it, and not care if my piano is tuned (it's not) and where to set the mics (probably a bit bass heavy here) and not care if I actually eat dinner tonight (okay, well I probably should eat, but will work on that later).

So - here it is.  First recording of myself improvising in a few years or something.  Post classical concert last year, post baby, post sermon, post literally months of me not touching the piano, pre- new me?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

where did I start?

I have a cousin who has lost an insane amount of weight, something like 160 pounds or so.  She now runs marathons.  Talk about inspirational!  A few months ago she was cleaning house and found a pair of pants in the back of her closet from when she was extremely overweight.  She posted a picture of herself on Facebook standing inside of one leg.  She said that sometimes she gets caught up and discouraged by the ups and downs of daily life and forgets just how far she's come.  Finding the pants reminded her just how incredible her journey has been and re-centered her.

I was thinking of her post last week when I revisited the Cornell University campus for my college reunion.  Lately with a baby in my life I've been frustrated by the amount (or lack of) time I spend really and truly practicing the piano or composing, or working on my website.  That's not to say my life isn't full of joy at the moment, because it absolutely is wonderful and awe inspiring to be taking care of a little one.  But-- there are certainly days that I wish I could focus just a little bit more on my passions outside of motherhood.  Well, I know the days are coming that I will have that time (babe is only 7 months at the moment), but it really was wonderful to visit Cornell where I had my first solo recital, where I composed my first piece on the piano, where the first person told me how much they loved my music and how it impacted their life.  I sought out the piano in the student union where I used to play as students were drifting through on their way to breakfast and classes.  There were some extra walls in the building, but I found the piano and the windows it used to sit under look the same.  I had memories of Lila, who sat crying while she listened to my piano music and proceeded later to write a beautiful note that I have framed in my piano studio about how my music brought her the "spark of life".  I visited the piano in  Willard Straight Hall where I had so many of my early concerts.  It really was centering to me to think about the incredible journey I've had with my music in the ensuing years.  As an engineering student, I never would have imagined making the albums I've made, the concerts I've given, the students I've taught. 

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


Today I have 4 hours of babysitting with no teaching!  The school year is wrapping up; I have a half schedule of students this week and just one or two starting next.  I have so many things on my to-do wish list it's hard to know where to start.  And frankly, I'm so sleepy lately that maybe a nap is in order.  I scheduled an eye appointment so maybe that will end up taking up the whole time too.

In any case, I'm looking forward to more time this summer to devote to my office and piano time.  I would like to make some updates to my website, like adding a link to the "Nursing Our Future" video that uses my music and adding a place where people can submit public performance of my works info to me, finish polishing the sheet music of River Dawn and Shenandoah and post those up for sale, etc.   Updating fan lists and connecting, etc etc. For piano, I have a concert in January that I need to finalize the program for (thinking about tackling a Keith Jarrett transcription).  I would also like to get my home studio set up for recording.  I bought a great microphone over a year ago and have yet to get it set up and working, alas.  Grant applications, etc etc... I guess the list could go on and on.  I have not been at a computer other than to glance through e-mails and do Twitter and Facebook posts in ages and ages.  Even the social network posts I'm doing mostly from my iPod while nursing, so I'm not sure that even counts as computer time.

I wish I had been practicing more lately but after I performed Ginastera at Andrea Clearfield's Salon in April, all my free time ended up being filled with gardening and housework.  The Salon was great-I thought it very cool that my classical playing got several people interested in my own music and I sold an album or two afterwards.  Wishing that I could get a copy of the recording of that evening, but the guy who recorded it hasn't responded to my e-mails over 6 weeks- wondering what's going on there.  I do have a video of my performance that hubby took so I guess I will need to sift through that myself and edit out my performance.  Funny how I spent all this time working on my classical technique over the past year or two and my technique is a million times past where it was before- but sometimes I feel like it never happened, as I was hoping for a testimonial from my Maine concert and a recording of some sort, but neither has materialized (yet).  Oh well, all the work I put in will certainly change my own music for the better.  Wishing that I was feeling more inspired lately to write some more music but nothing seems to come... no surprise though as it's not like I spend a lot of time in the studio.  I play during baby's naptimes but really only lullaby relaxing type stuff, and lately he's been napping in the crib anyway so I've been distracted by housework while he sleeps.

on the baby front, he's adorable (of course) and it's so amazing to watch him learn and grow every day!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

swinging in the studio

baby just got a new cradle swing that he loves for naps.  I put it in the piano studio, and our routine now is when he gets really sleepy during the day, he goes in the swing and I play piano for him.  I have played a lot more this week than I have in a long time... sort of hard to play w/him in the sling.  In any case, now I understand why so many musicians come out with a kid's album after having children.  It disturbs his nap if I play anything too abstract or loud.  I find myself naturally improvising in a swinging motion in sync with the swing.  so... swinging naptime cmc collection coming?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Note by Note

Just finished watching the DVD "Note by Note: Making of a Steinway". Loved it! I especially liked the Extras... interviews and performances with amazing, inspiring pianists.

Hoping to teach some today... lessons have been closed down for all this SNOW. Already one student today canceled for a weekend ski trip (as if they didn't have enough snow here!). I'm itching to see some older kids - a bit of cabin fever here with the little baby (although I can't complain, it's been tons of fun). My students have a theory festival/competition coming up in a few weeks, and it's been really gratifying seeing them all work so hard at studying intervals and major scales, etc.

Monday, February 08, 2010

new year, new adventures w/baby...

been posting on twitter a lot, but hoping to post here a little bit more this year. starting to fall into a rhythm w/the baby (11 weeks old now!). he's cooing now when I play piano for him (couldn't ask for more, right?). he especially likes Bach, and River Dawn.

Speaking of River Dawn, I finally got moving and had River Dawn and Shenandoah transcribed into sheet music. The first drafts look amazing! I can't wait to post them. Only problem is finding stretches of uninterrupted time to concentrate and make edits. time is certainly hard to come by these days!