Wednesday, August 11, 2010

putting it out there

So the improv I recorded on Sunday gave me great momentum and I decided to completely rearrange my piano studio and move my computer down from the office into the studio and actually hook up my keyboard and have a home for the playpen for the little guy... so now I can upload recordings right away and play piano while I'm waiting for stuff to load and have all the creative juices flowing in one place.  I was so motivated and a dangerous woman on a mission that I even managed to move the Steinway off of the casters by myself, whoaa.  Picture here was taken with my computer's webcam this afternoon... yay!  That means I might even be inspired to do some webcasting or recording some video.  In the meantime I recorded another improv tonight.  The editor in me wanted to "try again" and record another.  Well, not only do I not have the time because baby will need me soon, I figure that's not in the spirit of me letting go of the editor.  I almost didn't upload this file because it's not in "finished" state and wouldn't really be on a recording somewhere... but there are some really nice moments in it.  And I'm putting it out there.  baby calling gotta go.

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