Saturday, October 27, 2007

George Winston sheet music!

George Winston has new sheet music book out! I got my copy in the mail yesterday, and I can't wait to start playing and improvising some of the music. I'm sure it will end up in some future CMC/JJJ shows. George Winston doesn't write any of his music down; this is all transcriptions of his recordings, and the first book of his music ever released in his 25+ year career. I was a little bummed that my favorite "Rain" wasn't in the book... that is one of the inspirations for my song "The Asymptote" on the Undershore album; in turn, George always says at his concerts that that was inspired by the music of Steve Reich. Lately, I've been working on my own version of Chick Corea's "Children's Song #4", that also uses the inspiration of interlocking melodies between the hands that generate a wash (or a 'rain') effect.

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